
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Campaign Ads

We watched the videos from the link on good and bad campaign ads today. Choose one of these ads and write a paragraph on how that ad affected your opinion of the race.  Who would you vote for, Why?


Anonymous said...

The Campaign Ad titled Carly Fiorina - Demon Sheep was not only hilarious but made me think about what is he really running for.They copmpared him to a sheep because supposivly instead of following his own path he follows others.He messed up finacially,as was said. He would deffinitly be someone i wouldnt vote for. Yes,nobodies perfect but the reasons just go against him.

Anonymous said...

The campaign ad for Rob Simmons showing Linda McMahon kicking someone's balls is really funny and he could get the mindset of the person watching it to vote for him. Rob Simmons wants everyone to think that's all her character and she should not be taken seriously. If hw thinks that's how he's gonna get votes, then that's not fair. People should look more into detail with their platform and that's exactly what I would do. I would not determine my vote based on an ad that portrays someone doing the wrong and none of the right.

-Josh Dranto

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the campaign ad opposing Linda McMahon. Rob Simmons definitely hit the nail on the head with this one. Every man fears being kicked in the "promised land". By appealing to the male insecurities, Simmons and his team were able to garner those votes and secure them from the nutkicking opposing party. Also, Rob Simmons was able to showcase McMahon's shaky credibility due to being a WWE personality. The ad is also good for voters who just need a good laugh. I'd vote for the GOP due to the threat of sterility by foot contact from the Dems. Simmons stands for protecting all men's jewels, so only real men vote for Simmons!

Andrew Casano

Unknown said...

The campaign ad called Christine O'Donnell saying I'm not a witch was influential. Just like she said everyone can make mistakes and she has made some. The truth is that she is just like us because she is a human being. In all of these videos, everyone is crazy and really wants to be elected. Even in the world there are crazy people out there. What really influenced me was that she was a woman and she admitted what she said about her being a witch. During in my social studies classes, I learned that back then there was witchcraft. Witchcraft was actually taught and it was done. I vote for Christine O'Donnell because she was saying something in the video and I kinda got it. I don't think that she is a witch. There are many reasons why she went on live television saying that she was a witch. She could have set this whole thing up as getting attention. If she was going to be a politic she just made it up and then later saying that she wasn't one. Christine wanted people to know her and that she was a politic.

Anonymous said...

the canpain add for Bradley Byrne he realy doesent know wat the hell he is talking about he waz a demercrat and now republican he states the the bibal waz parshaly true hes dumb !! wat a retarted canadate to run .honestly y would any one rase property taxe and income also sail taxeand insurence taxe we pay enouph for are property and morgage and other things he should just stop trying the get elected and crall in a hole no one wants to pay more then we allredy do and honestly wer in the shiter allredy and cant dig are way out !!! sorry for mis spelling and language =)
pat passenti

Anonymous said...

The Carly Fiorina Demon Sheep was absolutely appalling. I could hardly remeber what the campaign Ad was about, however I do remember the sheep. The Ad was 3:22 of chewing sheep and guys in sheep suits. It that really what a campaign ad should be remembered for? Most people could comprehend that he was being compared to a sheep and being called a follower but it's unnecessary to show the sheep 95% of the Ad when only showing it once could easily get the point across. This campaign didn't earn my vote but it gave me quite the laugh.

Giselle Castaneda

Anonymous said...

The campaign ad for Sue Lowden was both funny and mind blowing. I couldn't believe that Sharron Angle would sponsor a bill that would use people's tax money to supply massages for prisoners. It doesn't matter whether it was a small amount or large amount of tax money being used, I still can't believe that. People work hard and make money to pay taxes that give prisoners massages. The statement speaks for it self. If I was voting, Sharron Angle would be out of the desicion making. I would propably vote for John Mcain, considering he has the most experience. He also was the only one who had a decent ad that didn't use dirty politics. I definently wouldn't vote for someone who attacks other canidates to make themselves look better.


Anonymous said...

Suril Dalal

The utmost intriguing advertisement on running for Agricultural Commissioner was produced by Dale Peterson. This ad affected my perception of the race in the sense that a republican, with a strong all rounded background including being a marine, cop, businessman, and most respectively a farmer should be entitled to progressing and having a say in his country. This advisement has impeccably displayed how there are some great people campaigning, particularly Dale with the understanding of how “illegal’s are busting in by the thousands”, “thugs and criminals are keeping us in the dark from monetary scandals, doing whatever they want with the money”, and “political opponents are stealing yard signs of his supporters”. This man is also an incredible candidate due to showing his balance of country America in perfect combination with a more modern aspect. His take on how he noticed his opponent bragging about receiving illegal money on Facebook, gave me key understanding to Dale’s modernistic approach to politics as well. If I had to flex my birthright to vote, I personally would give it to this man who has also shown me he is part of the National Rifle Association through flaunting his rifle. He defines the true aspects of being an American through his well rounded background in the military and American business, his technological advancements, and his amazing equestrian talents. Dale Peterson, you have my vote.

Anonymous said...

The campaign ad for Dale Peterson was very interesting one it caught my eye when he said he was a marine,cop,businessman and entitled to having a say in his contry. He completely wants the immigrants out by saying "illegals are busting in by the thousands. I would vote for him because he means business when he takes out his rifle. he has my vote.

-Anthony Roman

Anonymous said...

Theresa Nesbitt
U.S. History II
Mr. Cannizzaro
1 November 2010

The campaign advertisement that I will be discussing is Christine O'Donnell's, "I'm Not a Witch". This advertisement has affected my opinion of race because I can agree with many things that she has stated in the video, and she has also made valid points. For example, "politicians who think spending, trading favors, and backroom deals are the ways to stay in office." I think that statement is basically what many politicians would follow. Just because they might spend money and trade favors with others, not all of their actions are beneficial towards everyone, and some of these actions are a little selfish. They care too much about their image, but that's how they have to earn their positions; However, some politicians may have a good personality, but no one ever really knows if these personalities are fake until they actually have power. Once they're in power, they tend to get lazy. What Christine O'Donnell is basically trying to say is that even though she may have this bad image about being a witch, she still deserves a chance. In my opinion, everyone deserves a fair chance if they at least make an effort. She tries to convince viewers that she's just like everyone else. Some people may have claimed that she was a witch, but "no one is perfect". No one really is perfect; You can't expect someone to always have the answers to problems. This may also be a reason why she says, "I'm you." I may not know much about Christine O'Donnell, but the fact that people thought that she was a witch earns respect from me because she was doing things that she believed in. Society likes people who follow the same customs as everyone else, but when there's an individual who follows a different custom, others just automatically form this bad opinion about them. I have respect for Christine O'Donnell about her witch issue because at least she was being different. In conclusion, I would vote for Christine O'Donnell just to give her a fair chance because once again - everyone deserves a fair chance. If everything she said was just a big lie and she followed the same system as many other politicians, than she'd be a hypocrite - so with that in mind, I think that she would try to do a good job.

Anonymous said...

Sasha Guerra
Carly Fiorina's political ad shows the negative things that Barbara Boxer will do if and the things she already did. It's funny how they make Boxer a big blimphead with scary music, making the audience think she is like a scary monster that people are voting for. The ad states that she says," I like to cut taxes for the middle class." Fionira disagrees with how she is voted for rasing taxes on gasoline, social security benefits and other things she is doing to taxes, unemployment and other bad things. In the other half of the ad, Carly Fionira shows up as a great leader, who gets the job done with "a smile", along with her background on how she worked up to become part of this. She says, " ONLY IN AMERICA could a medieval history major, a law school dropout, and a full-time receptionist become the CEO of one of the largest companies in the world and have the privalege to run for US senate, ONLY IN AMERICA." She also explains how she wants to work together to help California get the job done.

Anonymous said...

Dale Peterson, an excentric man, is one of the candidates for the commsissioner all of the agriculuture in Alabama. In one of his campaing ads, he gets quite serious about his dream. With a horse, fast speaking, a southern accent amd a gun, Peterson makes his point loud and clear: 'He wasn't going to let the "thugs" stand in his way!' Personally, I wouild vote for him. He doesn't seem coniving (mostly because he came off as old fashion and didn't show much effort in to hurting any other candidates). He seemed passionate about his position (and I like horses a lot)(that was suppose to be a joke)There's nothing wrong with a little bit of excitement, it shows he takes pride in his duties, and that's exactly what we the people need.
-Beca Salazar

Anonymous said...

The campaign ad from Carly Fiorina "Deamon Sheep" ad basically going against everything she is supporting. It's kind of sarcastic. It is also saying that Carly Fiorina is following Tom Campbell. A governor is supposed to be someone who leads the state, not follow what a bad governor did. California doesn't need a governer that is going to support raising taxes and unemployment rates. Carly Fiorina is like a sheep following others. Like they said Tom Campbell is a "Wolf in sheep clothing". I so go againt this governer.

-Genesis Camacho

Anonymous said...

Brittney Hall
Period 1
In the Christine O'Donnell "I'm Not a Witch" ad i agree with many things she said. What she said about politicians doing backroom deals and things like that is so true. Most politicians don't play fair and do those things to win votes. I would truly vote for her just for the fact that she is being honest and seems genuine and at least pretending to care about the people. Once a politician makes valid points and shows that they can do what America needs they have my vote.

Anonymous said...

On the campaign ad that Rob Simmons showed of Linda McMahon, kicking someone's nuts it is really wrong. I say that because he is telling everyone how bad she is but he is not telling any of his quality. They shouldn't make ads about each other and telling us that they are a bad choice, they should make ads of all the good things that they did or gonna do if they win the spot.
My name is Florian Dokaj and i approve this message

Anonymous said...

During my observation of Dale Peterson's ad I have realized and come to a conclusion that he is completely correct. I believe that he best fits the position of Alabama Agriculture Commission. He believes what is right for the people and the state its-self. I agree with what he says about illegal aliens busting in and having a having a high unemployment rate. Dale Peterson, you have my vote! I also liked how he showed dominance by holding a shotgun.

Steven Perito

Anonymous said...

Today we watches Several videos in Class. The One that caught my interest the Most was the one about a Karate Expert that was running in his own independent party against why "the Rent is Too Damn HiGh". I thought it was pretty interesting to see a man of the community really running for something that is a Common problem with everyday people such as having High Rent, Children Living comfortably in their Homes and Having food to Eat. I Support people like Him because Someone will defintly remember this man, whether its for His Beard or him saying "The Rent is too damn High" on Live Television..

Praise the UnderDog

-Stevie B.

Anonymous said...

My opinion on the ad for Dale Peterson is that it was a ridiculous advertisement. He's talking about all of his past positions in the government, but he doesn't talk about how he did in them. They're a lot of positions: farmer, business man, cop, and a marine from Vietnam. He doesn't say how good or bad he did in them. He says that the Alabama Agriculture commissioner is a powerful position. He doesn't give any validating reasons on why i SHOULD vote for him. All he does is point out things that anybody could be doing, like pulling down his campaign posters. How does he know that his opposition is taking them down? How does he know that the people of Alabama think he's a horrible candidate and they just don't accept him, so they're doing it themselves. If i were an Alabama state citizen, I wouldn't vote for him, because he's responsible for 5 million dollars. He says that "thugs and criminals" can keep Alabama citizens in the dark about that; now if the post was a powerful one, i'm sure I'd know about it, and how the job was being carried out. His reasoning for illegal immigrants and unemployment doesn't have to do with anything. Also he's a republican so he'll just pull out his handy dandy rifle. It seems as though the gun is more of a threat than just part of the ad. He did a horrible job at the ad, and will probably lose votes by it.


P.S. I like what Florian did up there. Pretty slick.

Unknown said...

Sara Gjika
Period 5
US History 1

After i saw all of the ads i desided that the parsone who i would vote for is John McCain.
I agree with the fact that in this country there are a lot of iligal imigrants who live with the same rights as the rest of us. Are pareant pay taxes which are used for people that do not destribue on the comunitie. I agree with John McCain and if i had the right to vote i wwoul vote for him.

Anonymous said...

Mike Weinstein's dance party was the most upbeat political ad I have ever seen. It wasn't scary or depressing like others I have seen. The ad featured a live band playing a song about all the good things Mike Weinstein is going to do for district 19. It did not seem to bash other politicians. After seeing the ad Mike Weinstein seems like a good choice, he seems hard working, focused, and although a little awkward, his ad portrays him as an honest and light-hearted man.

Jake Coleman

Anonymous said...

From this campaign ads i would vote for Dale Peterson. His little strange ad was very eye catching because he say all of his position that he had in the past such a marine and farmer. After seeing all of these ads i would vote for him because after holding all of these position he would know how to get along with the people wants, but also he know how to handle money and the community

Anonymous said...

After watching all of these ads, i would have to say that i agree with John McCain. He is right about everything he said about illegal immigrants. Our parents are paying taxes for people that should not even belong in America. It is unfair to all people living in this country. These illegal immigrants do not contribute anything towards the community. If i got a chance to vote, i would vote for John McCain.
~Harsharan Kaur

Anonymous said...

Jimmy McMillan's ad for "The Rent is Too Damn High" party, immediately caught my attention, because he repeatedly states his opinion, but not monotonously. Many people find humor, but if carefully listened to, the viewer can understand that serious matters are being discussed. I agree with McMillan when he says, "people cannot afford their rent" and "children are starving". These issues are unfortunately, yet frequently ignored in the country, and I agree with this man's stance on the matter. He is a direct speaker, showing his crowd exactly what he wants, and obviously not hesitating in his beliefs. These qualities are needed for a person willing to run in this position, and it is clear that McMillan fits the mold. McMillan, you have my vote.

Anthony Scalia
(xraM nonneL)

Rose Valdivia said...

The Campaign Ad of John McCain was clearly a demonstration of how politicians will take immigration to favor him. This race for the senate is to pass the message that these issues are going to be concluded, to get nonbelievers into supporting their campaigns. It is kind of ironic when once he would go for a immigration reform that would be comprehensive. It is not fair to blame crimes on immigrants even citizens commit them. There is a need to find a solution to stop this great number of people coming into America illegally, cut the major problems. Common sense has been left behind a fence is just an excuse,there will always be ways to enter the country by illegal means. I would definitely not vote for him, since his proposal it isn't different than most we have heard of.

Anonymous said...

The campaign ad for Rob Simmons with Linda McMahon kicking someone in the sweet spot is not just funny, it hilarious. He did a great job in showing who she could be when elected. He also did a good job in making people laugh and got their attention. Apparently this guy has a sense of humor and knows what needs to be. he has my vote.

-Chris Lourenco

Anonymous said...

Juan Nieves

The candidate who took the show in the gubernatorial debate was Jimmy McMillan, the glove-wearing standard-bearer of the Rent Is 2 Damn High Party. McMillan's catch phrase and all-purpose answer to everything - "The rent is too damn high".There's little doubt McMillan will draw votes next Tuesday, perhaps more than the 50,000 needed to certify him as a political party with an official ballot line. That's when the laughing would stop - not least because under the state Constitution, McMillan's name should not be on the ballot at all. The most recent court rulings make clear that the ballot is open only to gubernatorial candidates who are running in tandem with a lieutenant governor. Less than two weeks ago, a unanimous New York appellate court threw off the ballot a Tea Party contender who failed to put a candidate for lieutenant governor before the voters. His has the bests ad very catchy. I hope he gets at least over 100,000 votes I would vote for him if I could. Even thought he failed in 2005 and 2009 race for mayor of NY he still has a chance.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy McMillan's ad for "The Rent is Too Damn High" party was the video that caught my attention the most. Why? Because not only did he repeatedly state his opinion, but he added humor with it so he could grab the audience's attention more than anyone else. Every statement that McMillan is stating in this video is true, therefore, people feel as though he knows what he is talking about and is right for this position so they feel that they should vote for him. Most of the issues that he brought up were never even thought about because we take advantage of every ability and privilege that we are able to do in our every day lives that many people aren't. He is a straight forward speaker and isn't afraid to show what he believes in and that is why McMillan has my vote.

- Sandy Loor

Anonymous said...

After watching a few ads some make fun of the candidates or talk bad about them. Others just talk good about themselves. The Alabama Gubernatorial Candidate Ad attacked Bradley Byrne talking about how he always changed his mind and went back and worth from Republican to Democratic. And how he messed up alot of taxes and other fundings. All ads talk smack about eacthothers oponents and end with im _______ and i aprove this message. The ad would of been better if he also talk about the good he is doing or going to do and not just focus on his oponents fauls .

-araceli livano

Yevgeniy said...

The Ad slandering the name of Tom Campbell I found both interesting and amusing at once. At the same time Carly Fiorina did catch my attention. Is Tom really just a follower? If so who is leading him? What direction will things turn towards if he was elected? Though this is still only Carly Fiorina's side of the story. I could not decide who to vote for if I immediately trusted her every word.

Anonymous said...

Carla Carigga
In the Christine O’Donnell, campaign ad “I’m not a witch” , although her opening line, is not one of the best, it is a very sincere and comforting ad to many people. Unlike other campaign ads that we watched, she talks about herself, not saying she perfect, but the opposite. She lets the people understand that no matter who you pick that he or she will not be perfect. Throughout her AD she refers to herself as “I’m you” , which symbolizes a great deal to the people watching the ad, she cares about what the people think. Her ad is the most honest one out there, not just because she talks about herself but on how she puts herself out there, and outs herself in people’s shoes. I would vote for her because her ad would connect to how I feel, and because she is not pretending to care, she does care. In my mind I think that she would try her best if elected.

American Politics said...

After reviewing all the ad campaigns of the website, I realized how dirty politics get in America. Most of the ads were pathetic and just for them being there makes you question the legislators running. Although there were many ads which stood out my personal favorite was without a question Basil Marceaux's Official Campaign Ad. It is surprising that a man running for the Governor's office of the state of Tennessee can not produce a better quality video than your average high school teenager. The video had all positive comments about him and what he plans to do if elected. I feel that this was a very good thing. The only good thing in fact, most of the other campaign videos were based the opponents of the people running instead of the people themselves. I know for a fact that Basil Marceaux will not get elected. I know that I certainly wouldn't vote for him. The video itself shows how much he cares about the election. The effort put into it was absolutely appalling. It makes you wonder, if I lived in the state of Tennessee would I choose the person who I think puts effort to get my vote or someone who seems like a good guy but put little to no effort? I probably wouldn't vote for Basil but first I would have to see and carefully assess all the legislators who are running for governor. Based on the person's beliefs, past records and standings I would vote.

Shyam Sharma

Anonymous said...

In the campaign ad Christine O'Donnell she starts off by saying she's not a witch. The people who saw this video shouldn't judge her based on her past but on how she is going to better the future for others. The past is the past for a reason, to leave it behind you. I believe that if she is elected she will better the state in which she is elected to. If I were eligible to vote I would vote for her. She refers to herself as "I'm You", which means she is not any different than you are and she cares about the people and what they think. That is what I think she is trying to say as a message in that video.

Bryant Nunez

Anonymous said...

The campaign ad of Peter Schiff is both funny and at the same time sends out a strong message and a strong point that is wanted to be sent across by the candidate. Peter is trying to make it seem as if McMahon does not take her job seriously and also as if she was too immature and childish and not ready for a position of such great responsibility.I also agree that a woman that ran a corporation and television show full of wrestling and violence may reflect those areas on her workplace. This may be a bad decision but we still have to hear her side of the story in order to make our full decision.

Sergio Cuellar

Anonymous said...

In the campaign ad Basil Marceaux, he says that he is a republican candidate and governor of Tennessee. From what i see that he can not stand still and he has speech problems (not to be rude or anything). He wants to move capitol to Chanttanooga, which is not going to happen no matter what he does. The thing that appealed me to this ad is the song in the background, i really can not stop laughing. I recognize it from somewhere but i do not seem to remember where. He is also wearing something around his neck but i am not sure what it is. In my opinion this is one of the worst top 5 ads i have seen in the whole list. Personally i would not vote for him, even if they paid me to do it. I would vote for Chuck DeVore. He is a man of many accomplishments and understands the essential things for life and politics.
Mariam Elbedeiwy

Anonymous said...

The Rent is too damn high party is represented by Jimmy McMillan. Even though his actions at the Ny governor debate seemed funny, they were brutally true. He knows the issues and he wants them solved. Children are lacking food and single parents cant afford house rent. Although the issues are easily stated it's tougher to actually fix them. He is a straight foward man that also said he wouldn't play any games. Like most politicians that veer away from the issues. Another obvious reason to vote for him is that he is a karate expert, who would want to mess with that.

Heithem Odeh

Anonymous said...

John McCain's campaign ad was just pathetic. I can't believe that he is the same guy that over 40% of the people voted during the election. During the election he was strongly opposed to the fence and wanted to reform the immigration laws. Now when things are not looking good for him he is changing his stance just to gain voters. He fails to realize the full extent of the issue at hand as do many other American politicians. America need to make sure that the cartels cant access guns from the states which will make northern Mexico a lot safer for its inhabitants and will decline the rate of illegal immigration

Anonymous said...

Shehryar Ali
Period 7
In the ad campaign of Ben Quayle is a extremely interesting one. In the beginning of his ad he says that "Barack Obama is the worst president ever." but with 47% percentage of voters in Arizona voting for Barack I don't think that was a smart idea on his behalf. After he states his opinion on Obama Presidency he talks about how there are drug cartels in Mexico. Which in my opinion has nothing to do with Arizona or even America since they are in Mexico. At last he ends with a statement that says he is going to Washington and going to "knock the hell out of the place." Even though his ad was odd it still shows that Ben Quayle is not scared to say what he wants and he doesn't have fear over anybody even the president of the United States. With these qualities he should make a great candidate in the fight for Congress.

Anonymous said...

The ad that I decided to write about was jimmy mchillan. He is runni h asan independent for the new York mayor race. He's phrase is the rent in newyork is just to DAM high. This is an odd phrase for someone to use. He is actualy getting voters though be what he said effectsmany peopl. If he wouldactualy do something to help them then he mightactualy win. He is giving good arguments the one problem though is that he repeats his same one line to many time and doesnt sound like he is welleducated. He needs amoretti diverse argument to be able to win. Tullio Gabbanelli

Anonymous said...

The campaign that I'm going to talk about is the campaign of Basil Marceaux for TN Governor. I would vote for this guy,even that he looks like he is drunk. At the beginning he says: "I'm Basil" The guy is a website, how can you not vote for him? He is going to make the flag fly right, stop traffic stops and remove gold fringed flag. If he would run for president I'd definitely consider applying for citizenship.
Oligert pd.1

Anonymous said...

After watching some of the campaign ads, I choose to write about The Nevada Prison Spas. Sharon Engels wanted to pay for prisoners to have a spa, and it not like it was her own money no it was tax payers money. This not only encourages people who have nothing in life to end up in prison it makes people hate the government more and while the government tries to convince people of these thought she is pressing more on the topic and giving the people a reason to blame the government. i understand that Sue Lowden is just showing these flaws to get people to not like ngels but she understands this problem.

Suher Alsurakhi

Anonymous said...

The campaign ad I enjoyed the most was about Jimmy McMillan .He is running as an independent for the new York mayor race.He talks about the rent that is way to DAMN high and the people who work 8 hours aday and women who cant aford to take care of their childrens food like breakfast,lunch and dinner. He also mentions that he will provide us with a roof over our heads meaning houses and food on the table and money in your pocket meaning that he will find jobs for us to work in . He gave greatarguments because he wants the people to vote for him.
By Giorgi Sivsivadze.pd 6.

Anonymous said...

The campaign video I wanted to talk about is, Carly Fiorina's "Demon Sheep" ad. It was obviously a negative ad, that probably made an big impression on it's veiwers. Even though the content of it is most likely untrue, in a sense. What it pretty much was about was Tom Csmpbell wanting people to think he is a conservative. However Fiorina tries to portray him as a "wolf in sheeps clothing." Which could means he tries to act like a leader but in actuality he's a follower. An ad like this could definitely effect the race, wheather it was true or not. I honestly thought it was funny to watch but nothinhg to take seriously. Although not everyone wold feel the same. That would envitably effect the outcome of the race.

-Marisa Gardner
period 9.

Anonymous said...

The campaign ad when Linda McMahon is kicking the man in the nuts i found very funny. This might make the people of Connecticut think that this is what McMahon might do to their state if she is voted for Senator. Peter Schiff is trying to persuade the people of Connecticut that Linda McMahon is going to be a horrible Senator, because of her views and her past. Even though she was a part of the WWE, that doesnt mean that she is going to be a bad Senator. She was just acting when they showed her kicking that guy in the nuts, because the WWE is all acting. Peter Schiff is trying to make Linda McMahon look bad, so that he can maybe steal some of the votes away from her to become Senator.

Nicholas Smith

Anonymous said...

The one that made me actually get into was the Dale Peterson Campaigne. It was funny and educational. Something like that, that draws attention is sure to get elected. He talked about Alabama, and im all for Republicans. He didnt really talk about it all that much but you dont want a boring ad you want a funny one and thats what he did.

-Amanda Inserra

Anonymous said...

I think the Christine O'Donnell campaign was funny yet serious. I actually think it was a bit convincing. The ad was speaking about Christine representing WE THE PEOPLE and what WE want. She doesn't talk about her own personal goals in office or what her party wants. I don't care if she's a witch or not. If she does her job right then thats what matters...and if she was a witch, that'd be pretty cool :D

-Bianca Rodriguez pd 5

Anonymous said...

After watching all the ads, i realized that almost all the campaign ads were dirty ads knocking the other candidates. Only a handful didn't mention the problems with their opponent and said what they would do. If i had to vote, i would choose Sharron Angle. She showed what Obama promised and what hasn't been done. She didn't say she could fix it but she would try and thats all that is important because after two years, our country went deeper into the hole we dug our selves into.

-Joe Varrecchia

Anonymous said...

As I finished watching the shirtless Lee Fisher ad i thought it was hilarious and it brought out some informative points. For an example how the video kept on repeating that his Lieutenant Governor of Ohio job is keeping him busy hence the word busy. That he was so busy that it doubled the unemployment to eleven percent. He also said that saving jobs are a number on priority but 350,000 fewer jobs under fisher. My opinion is that he is obviously all talk. He is not doing anything to solve the problem. So i would not vote for him.

- Giselle Celestin

Anonymous said...

Donat Gashi-

I watched the campaign ad of Cristine O'Donnell and that stoud out to me alot. She is very intended on reastablishing her image and want to run a good and clean campaign. She know that people say bad things about her but she say that all people make mistakes and that is true we should give her another chance. She seems like a good and hard working candidate and she would have my vote.

Anonymous said...

The campaign ad of Peter Schiff is funny sends out a strong message. Peter is trying to make it seem as if McMahon does not take her job seriously and not ready for a position of such great responsibility.I also agree the a woman that ran a corporation and television show full of wrestling and violence may show those things. i think she might be a bad chouice.

Victor M.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy McMillan's campaign ad for the rent is too dam high party is pure genius. He gets right to the point and if you didn't hear it the first time, he'll politely state it again about 5 more times. His rockin' mustache beard combo says it all, the rent is too damn high. I agree, it is indeed too high, so high that parents can't afford common household items most of us have. Rent needs to be lowered for us to get back on track and up and running. AS A KARATE EXPERT, he won't talk about any other politicians, there are starving children that need attention. Children have no where to go, sleep or anything to eat. Why? The rent is too damn high, righty-o, Jimmy.

Anonymous said...

^ Dan Santacroce. I'm awesome like that.

Anonymous said...

McCain'Complete The Danged Fence'. This campaing is crazy,because i think is ridicules. spanish people play a big role in this nation. by McCain doing, i think his been racist with spanish people. so i would not vote for hi, because i also dont like him.

by:Luis Ramirez

Anonymous said...

"MIke, Mike, Mike Weinstein. Working hard for you and me. Representing district 19; vote Mike Mike Mike Weinstein." lmaoo

I have finished viewing all the videos. Many were very hilarious and others just ridiculous. I think I would vote for Mike Weinstein, however, because of the points made in the video. In the video many important points are addressed such as fixing the economy. I also liked that in this video he didn't use dirty politics. Nothing bad was said of the other opponents. Finally, the video was entertaining in a good way.-Paola

Anonymous said...

The Ad for Dale Peterson is the one i like the most. To me his ad looks like he's the only one about something. Hes been in a lot of things pertaining to helping out the U.S so he shouldnt be that bad.Then at the end by him pulling out his gun, maybe that means he will get down to business, and be succesfull in what he does. He seems like he will stick to his word.

Yazmin Hogan

Anonymous said...

I choose Christine O'Donnell's campaign ad. It was very influential. She admits that she's made mistakes in the past, just like all of us. The first thing she says in her ad is that she's not a witch. So she's trying to tell us that what ever happened before should be forgotten and we should focus on the matter at hand. She also states that most politicians think spending, trading favors and backroom deals are the way to stay in office. She knows the right way to serve the country and I think she's not gonna do any of those things because she's afraid of making more mistakes. Our country automatically rejects all those that are different. Christine O'Donnell may be different compared to the other candidates, but she may not necessarily be bad. She at least has the courage to come back and try.

Chandupa Abeyratna (Sorry it's late)

Anonymous said...

The person that I liked the most was Dale Peterson. The video shows his seriousness. He brings forth all these topics that don't concern agriculture, but are important to be dealt with. He is able to give some personal information and doesn't slang his opponents as much as some of the other candidates do. He is kinda a funny man as he says words like "rip" and "dummy" and it makes it even more funny due to his accent. The fact that he pulls out a gun is kinda funny and shows that he is serious and will do his best. But the fact that he does pull out the gun shows what Republicans really stand for. If I could vote and lived in Alabama then I would vote for him.

Virej Patel

Anonymous said...

Rick Barber's campaign ad, "Gather Your Armies" had the greatest influence on me. Although it was a little corny, it actually had something to do with the platform Barber was running for. Rather than follow the campaign ad trend of either trying to make yourself look good or your opponent look bad,he simply created a campaign ad advertising what he thought needed to be changed. Not only was his campaign ad not ridiculously far out there, but it also seemed as though it was directed toward the majority of American citizens. Most politicians aim for the vote that will immediately make them richer, but it seemed as though Rick Barber wanted to help the average person.
-Nicole Verduin

Anonymous said...

The campaign ad created by Rob Simmons portraying Linda McMahon as a evil person caught my attention. He shows in the ad commercial how she is kicking a poor man in the worst place you can be kicked over and over again. It was hilarious, but in a way it made me not want to vote for him. The reason is because he's making an ad trying to expose her and not willing to make an ad based on himself and what his good intentions are. That tells me he's not an honorable person. He is willing to show and expose anything from her saying she's not a good candidate and that bothers me.

-Felipe Villanueva

Anonymous said...

The campaign about linda mcmahon made by Rob Simmons was very eye catching. He shows her kicking a man in an area guys dont want to be cooked. I would not vote for him because it is trying to make her look bad for something she used to do before she started running for politics. It shows that he thinks he cant win unless he exposes something bad about the person he is running against. Because of this i would not vote for him.

Dallas Boris

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