We saw some interesting things on conspiracy theories over the last few days. Write a 1 paragraph reaction to the movement. Do you agree with the conspiracy? Do you think it is bogus? Why do you feel that way. Please respond by Monday November 29.
I do not agree with them at all. If it was such a bad thing i am sure people would try and change things. Now this guy thinks he is something because he figured out some stuff. To me it is a waste of time. What does he really prove.Nothing. If he was such a success he would have been on the news. which he has not been. I think it is stupid. Shannay
I do not agree with the conspiracy theories because I don't think any of it is true. It all looks like a movie with a bunch of horrible actors. In my opinion it's a waste of time. I feel this way because Jesse Ventura has not proven anything and I don't think he's getting anywhere with it.
I think that some of these conspiracy theories are partially true, like the one we saw about HAARP. Some of the radio active waves can possibly be used as a radar to locate submarines; however, some of the other stuff is completely untrue like the mind control thing. I'm sure you can' control people's mind like that. It was just a bunch of crap.
In my opinion there are many conspiracy that are true. There are numerous of thing that the government does not want us to know like HAARP. Why would they only allow people have tour of the facility one day in two year. Also why is there know explanation of the tsunami. Another reason why I think it is true is that why the coast guard and ground security follow Jesse Ventura why they went to plum island if there wasnt anything to hide. Shivam
I have to say that these conspiracy theories are pointless. It allows society to have their own version of the cause of different catastrophes. I strongly disagree because it only brings fear to the people, what if this and if so... Plus, you can tell that some things are simply being made up to make it entertaining and without any back up information
Suril Dalal I feel that the conspiracy theories that we have as far viewed, are somewhat true. While the host of the show and his crew seem to be a bit odd and paranoid, what they are uncovering is quite interesting. Not only the US government, but all organizations are true to having concealed secrets. Although many people seem to be mislead and believe that their own government is after them, unforgiving of their wellbeing. However they are wrong in the fact that some people do not have the ability or insight to clearly see what is the cause or relation to such research. Thus it is for the public's own sanity and safety that this info is not released. Overall, I feel that these conspiracies are most likely real, although portrayed too negatively by the host, I feel that if my government is conducting such research I am proud that it is competing with other countries to stay a world power.
Not all conspiracy theories should be bought into. For example HAARP, most definatley did not cause Hurricane Katrina or the other recent tragedies as said in the video. Why would America attack itself, but I can see why the military is taking control of HAARP. They want a secret weapon to use in the worst case senario. Without these conspiracy theories people will be uneducated on what's happening around them. To be honest HAARP is probably the best kept secret.
Conspiracy Theories which is hosted by Jesse Ventura seems to be a relaible source. He is a govenor, a navy seal. he seems to be a trustable guy. in my opinion i think these conspiracy theories such as HAARP seem to be true but when you really look at it the show is just flat out Yellow Journalism. the only reason people watch these shows is becuase society is too parnoid about the goverment screwing them over and people keeping secrets, becuase its a natural response to be curouis about things you are not educated in.
Theresa Nesbitt U.S. History II Mr. Cannizzaro 25 November 2010 Conspiracy Theory Reaction In the videos, "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura", I agree with some parts because they make valid points. For example, the video discusses how the government has secret areas that they do not want the citizens to know about. This is obviously true because I highly doubt that the government would want us to know everything about their strategies, or even speak about it. A conspiracy is a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act. In this case, I do not agree about everything pertaining to the conspiracy - although, some points have logic behind them. Another example includes HAARP - The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. This conspiracy is basically about a field of antennas placed closely together, that can generate 10,000 watts. Instead of broadcasting out, HAARP is broadcasting up which causes the radio waves to shoot up into the Ionosphere, and this causes it to heat up and bounce the waves back. They claim that their motive is to communicate with deeply submerged submarines, but HAARP can be used for missile defense and weather control too. I don't believe that this conspiracy is using it just for communication; I believe that they're using strategies that will be beneficial towards them also. As for the other conspiracies, I find some of them a little ridiculous and over-exaggerated. For example, the mind control conspiracy; It's pretty stupid in my opinion. I feel that they're trying to get us to believe everything in the video. I mean sure, they have logical reasoning here and there, but I don't think opinions should stay the same throughout different topics. Basically, they try to discuss at least one conspiracy that people can actually have the same views on, and after that, they try to lure us on into the fake stuff. Not all of them are phony, however, I'm not implying that we should believe everything we hear.
I don't think that the Conspiracy Theories are true. For example the one that we watched such as HAARP was really retarded and they're really bad actors. When he was trying to get through the gate, and because he couldn't, then the "equipment failed." And I don't think that HAARP controls people's minds Oligert pd.1
I don't think that these conspiracy theories have an ounce of truth in them. I doubt the government is that advanced that they can control peoples lives. Sure the government may have their secrets but I don't think that they are that extreme that the government can control weather. If they could then why not use that technology to end droughts when we are threatened with them? I cant say this about all conspiracy theories but I think that the HAARP theory is just people being paranoid and letting their imaginations run wild. The sad thing is people buy into this paranoia.
i believe that the conspiracy theory might not all the way be true but they are trying to give us a brief idea of what the government is capable of. and they try to hide it from the world so there will be no fingers pointed at them. also i think that the process might be real but how they present it to us is just another white lie.
I believe there is some truth to the conspiracy theories. For example, there is definately something happening on Plum Island that they don't want anyone to know. As soon as Jesse Ventura started investigating only a couple of people answered questions and gave out information. If nothing was going on why is that there is so much security for the lab like wires around the island and officers. Also why when Jesse wanted to go to Plum Island no one all of a sudden couldn't take him. And why were there cops all around, what were they trying to stop him from finding out. I feel if that was just a simple research Lab people wouldn't be scared to relocate the Lab to Kansas. Now the HAARP theory is definately out there. I mean yes, it's possible that it can control the weather or even be a massive weapon for the millitary but the whole mind control I don't think so. I believe once Jesse started metioning mind control people actually started believing that they were doing mind control at HAARP. This all goes back to the goverment and how they are not willing to give us information and that the information they do give us about what is going on isn't true. So as long as the goverment keeps doing this no will ever know the truth.
I personally think that the conspiracy theories are all lies. Like you can tell by the way they are acting that its all fake. It might just be to scare or entertain people. There was some parts that might be true though. I do believe that the government is hiding something from us. This is very wrong. There can have something wrong happening in the states but we will never know because of the government. They are trying to "protect us" but if they don't tell us what is happening how can we protect ourselves? Anyways the show with Jesse Ventura, I feel that it is just something to try and tell us that the government is hiding something.
The TV series “Conspiracy Theories with Jesse Ventura” is completely ludicrous. In one of the episodes, Ventura tried to gain entry to Plum Island Animal Disease Center, claiming that they were making bio-weapons and that he should be allowed to forage throughout the facility because he is a former governor of Minnesota and a former navy seal, which is complete redundant. First off, there is no proof that shows that Plum Island is constructing bio-weapons, and it cannot be proven that the “Montauk Monster” came from Plum Island. Second, Plum Island Animal Disease Center is a United States federal research facility dedicated to the study of animal diseases and cannot afford to have anyone come in and tamper with or taint with anything even to the microscopic level. Just like the conspiracy theories with HAARP, nothing can be proven and even the accusations are preposterous. ~Zack Locorriere
This conspiracy theories program is complete bogus. Jesse Ventura looks like some bully, redneck, Mr. Clean guy, who acts like a big shot just because he was some former governor of Minnesota. -___- The information that he presents seems more like an adventure series, than a hunt for the truth/ documentary. If you're expecting to find answers about any topic presented in his show, you'll waste an hour worth finding the truth absolutely nothing, because his theories are ridiculous, and not supported by any substantial, and real detail. He does not prove anything!! ~~FATIMA
Jesse Ventura brings up interesting topics that may have some truth in them. However, he only picks out certain information to discuss instead of viewing the picture as a whole. His credentials, although somewhat impressive, become repetitive and I believe that it is preposterous that he believes he can get into a top secret military base because he is a former navy seal and governor. Obviously, these credentials will not carry over to unauthorized property. His show is interesting, with editing and transition effects all properly placed, and he keeps you interested within commercial breaks. However, if you are looking for serious information, this should not be your first choice.
In my opinion i feel everything i saw on the Conspiracy theory is just a fake. Their investigation makes sense but their not getting anywhere with what they found out. I feel they need some type of proven fact to persuade people to believe them. Jesse Ventura and his team waklking around and investigating is just a waste of time. Until something is proven to be true I will continue to believe everything I saw was a fake.
We saw some interesting things on the conspiracy videos. Are they true? Are they just a bunch of stupid assumptions? That's something we may never find out. Personally, I think they might just be true. I know it sounds wierd but if you find enough facts, then what is wrong with thinking that there is something gong on behind closed doors. Conspiracies sound crazy but then again, everything is crazy. The government hides a lot from us for our safety. News can't just be put out there like nothing. It's not like these people just pulled these crazy facts out of their butts; something motivated it. For example, the "Montauk Monster" . What can possible reasonable fact explain that? Nothing. All in all, basically all conspiracies can never be proven but there will always be that hint of truth that shows it could be true. Jessenia Perez
Brian Huapaya Period-2 November 28,2010 U.S. History Honors 2 Conspiracy Theories In my opinion, I think conspiracy theories are bogus. I think this way about conspiracy theories because there is no proof. It is possible that the things talked about in the show are true ,but there is no evidence. If all these things said in the show were true it would have gotten out in some way because its impossible for some of these things to stay secret for so long. Before watching Conspiracy Theories in Mr. Cannizzaro's I have seen it at my house like the one about area 51. All of Jesse Ventura's conspiracy theories end the same that he was stopped or couldn't go close enough to prove the theories he tells us are true. That's why I don't believe these conspiracy theories are true.
I do not agree with any sort of conspiracy in any way whats so ever. I believe that conspiracy theories are 100% bogus. Whoever believes in conspiracy theories as well as dedicating their lives to research and find the truth are no doubtingly delusional and mentally ill. I feel that hunting a conspiracy theory is like hunting a witch, your never going to come across one where you find the actual and legitimate truth. I feel that it is just a made up story that decided to create a rumor or wanted to make himself believe something. Steven Perito Pd2
The conspearacies that we have seen are very contraversil. There are some people that believe that they are 100% truth and then there are some that think that every part is a lie and that the people who made it are crazy. The comspiarcies in my opinion are not all truth are all fake some of the stuff that was said was the truth but it was adapted to make the conspiracy sound true. Conspiracies are there just there to explain the something that is unexplainable. People need a reason for everything and if there isn't a reason something is wrong. People believe these conspiracies just because they need an explain to tell them why somthin is done or help them figure out why it is being done.
My opinion is I believe that all the videos we saw of the Conspiracy Theory are all fake. The actors and everything. I personally do not agree or believe anything Jesse Ventura said. If he really wanted to prove his point he would’ve had proven facts, but he didn’t. What I do believe is that the government is definitely hiding certain things from society. He says they are using HAARP to communicate, but I believe that that is not the real reason. Something’s going on that we don’t know. If nothing was going on they wouldn’t be so secretive about the things they do. -gianina g
In my opinion, I think that all things of the conspiracy theory are false. Some parts of Jesse Ventura's videos are interesting but the trouble is that he could not prove anything. Also I feel that with his programs he wants alarm and worry people too much.
Most conspiracy's that we saw in the classroom were over the top. The conspiracy theories were mostly all fake, they made it into such a reality show that it the entire controversy looses its real actually point it tried to get to the audience. Like in the HAARP controversy it became a ridiculous controversy from becoming part of the military to being able to control minds. Although some of the controversies may somewhat be true the reality show made it into a bigger deal, and into something untrue. Jesse Ventura, did not prove anything throughout the whole show and it became, worse and worse.They never got anywhere to prove anything. Carla Carigga
Most conspiracy theories, in general, have a little truth in them with a lot of false statements. For example, there is no way that radioactive waves could be used for mind control. That is total crap. Our military could be doing something that is not to our benefit that we do not know of. Mind control is out of the question, however. ~Harsharan Kaur
I do agree with some of the conspiracy thories, because some of them do make sense like the big brother theory. It makes sense in a way but not all of the things he say. I do believe in conspirasy theories an that they increase day by day.
In response to your question I do not believe in all conpiracy theories such as the HAARP theory, in which case the government can control the weather. They came to believe that they used this high powered technology to cause tragedies in our own country such as hurricane katrina, which makes no sense at all. Why would the government want to cause such a disaster and cause so much debt to our own country. Just with this example alone I believe some of the conspiracies is just nonsense.
I do not agree with them at all. If it was such a bad thing i am sure people would try and change things. Now this guy thinks he is something because he figured out some stuff. To me it is a waste of time. What does he really prove.Nothing. If he was such a success he would have been on the news. which he has not been. I think it is stupid.
I do not agree with the conspiracy theories because I don't think any of it is true. It all looks like a movie with a bunch of horrible actors. In my opinion it's a waste of time. I feel this way because Jesse Ventura has not proven anything and I don't think he's getting anywhere with it.
Kelly Tolentino. Pd1.
I think that some of these conspiracy theories are partially true, like the one we saw about HAARP. Some of the radio active waves can possibly be used as a radar to locate submarines; however, some of the other stuff is completely untrue like the mind control thing. I'm sure you can' control people's mind like that. It was just a bunch of crap.
In my opinion there are many conspiracy that are true. There are numerous of thing that the government does not want us to know like HAARP. Why would they only allow people have tour of the facility one day in two year. Also why is there know explanation of the tsunami. Another reason why I think it is true is that why the coast guard and ground security follow Jesse Ventura why they went to plum island if there wasnt anything to hide.
I have to say that these conspiracy theories are pointless. It allows society to have their own version of the cause of different catastrophes. I strongly disagree because it only brings fear to the people, what if this and if so...
Plus, you can tell that some things are simply being made up to make it entertaining and without any back up information
Suril Dalal
I feel that the conspiracy theories that we have as far viewed, are somewhat true. While the host of the show and his crew seem to be a bit odd and paranoid, what they are uncovering is quite interesting. Not only the US government, but all organizations are true to having concealed secrets. Although many people seem to be mislead and believe that their own government is after them, unforgiving of their wellbeing. However they are wrong in the fact that some people do not have the ability or insight to clearly see what is the cause or relation to such research. Thus it is for the public's own sanity and safety that this info is not released. Overall, I feel that these conspiracies are most likely real, although portrayed too negatively by the host, I feel that if my government is conducting such research I am proud that it is competing with other countries to stay a world power.
Not all conspiracy theories should be bought into. For example HAARP, most definatley did not cause Hurricane Katrina or the other recent tragedies as said in the video. Why would America attack itself, but I can see why the military is taking control of HAARP. They want a secret weapon to use in the worst case senario. Without these conspiracy theories people will be uneducated on what's happening around them. To be honest HAARP is probably the best kept secret.
that was me ^
Heithem Odeh
Shehryar Ali
Conspiracy Theories which is hosted by Jesse Ventura seems to be a relaible source. He is a govenor, a navy seal. he seems to be a trustable guy. in my opinion i think these conspiracy theories such as HAARP seem to be true but when you really look at it the show is just flat out Yellow Journalism. the only reason people watch these shows is becuase society is too parnoid about the goverment screwing them over and people keeping secrets, becuase its a natural response to be curouis about things you are not educated in.
Theresa Nesbitt
U.S. History II
Mr. Cannizzaro
25 November 2010
Conspiracy Theory Reaction
In the videos, "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura", I agree with some parts because they make valid points. For example, the video discusses how the government has secret areas that they do not want the citizens to know about. This is obviously true because I highly doubt that the government would want us to know everything about their strategies, or even speak about it. A conspiracy is a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act. In this case, I do not agree about everything pertaining to the conspiracy - although, some points have logic behind them. Another example includes HAARP - The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. This conspiracy is basically about a field of antennas placed closely together, that can generate 10,000 watts. Instead of broadcasting out, HAARP is broadcasting up which causes the radio waves to shoot up into the Ionosphere, and this causes it to heat up and bounce the waves back. They claim that their motive is to communicate with deeply submerged submarines, but HAARP can be used for missile defense and weather control too. I don't believe that this conspiracy is using it just for communication; I believe that they're using strategies that will be beneficial towards them also. As for the other conspiracies, I find some of them a little ridiculous and over-exaggerated. For example, the mind control conspiracy; It's pretty stupid in my opinion. I feel that they're trying to get us to believe everything in the video. I mean sure, they have logical reasoning here and there, but I don't think opinions should stay the same throughout different topics. Basically, they try to discuss at least one conspiracy that people can actually have the same views on, and after that, they try to lure us on into the fake stuff. Not all of them are phony, however, I'm not implying that we should believe everything we hear.
I don't think that the Conspiracy Theories are true. For example the one that we watched such as HAARP was really retarded and they're really bad actors. When he was trying to get through the gate, and because he couldn't, then the "equipment failed." And I don't think that HAARP controls people's minds
Oligert pd.1
I don't think that these conspiracy theories have an ounce of truth in them. I doubt the government is that advanced that they can control peoples lives. Sure the government may have their secrets but I don't think that they are that extreme that the government can control weather. If they could then why not use that technology to end droughts when we are threatened with them? I cant say this about all conspiracy theories but I think that the HAARP theory is just people being paranoid and letting their imaginations run wild. The sad thing is people buy into this paranoia.
Nandini Patel
i believe that the conspiracy theory might not all the way be true but they are trying to give us a brief idea of what the government is capable of. and they try to hide it from the world so there will be no fingers pointed at them. also i think that the process might be real but how they present it to us is just another white lie.
Jasmine Beavers
Kayla Santiago
I believe there is some truth to the conspiracy theories. For example, there is definately something happening on Plum Island that they don't want anyone to know. As soon as Jesse Ventura started investigating only a couple of people answered questions and gave out information. If nothing was going on why is that there is so much security for the lab like wires around the island and officers. Also why when Jesse wanted to go to Plum Island no one all of a sudden couldn't take him. And why were there cops all around, what were they trying to stop him from finding out. I feel if that was just a simple research Lab people wouldn't be scared to relocate the Lab to Kansas. Now the HAARP theory is definately out there. I mean yes, it's possible that it can control the weather or even be a massive weapon for the millitary but the whole mind control I don't think so. I believe once Jesse started metioning mind control people actually started believing that they were doing mind control at HAARP. This all goes back to the goverment and how they are not willing to give us information and that the information they do give us about what is going on isn't true. So as long as the goverment keeps doing this no will ever know the truth.
I personally think that the conspiracy theories are all lies. Like you can tell by the way they are acting that its all fake. It might just be to scare or entertain people. There was some parts that might be true though. I do believe that the government is hiding something from us. This is very wrong. There can have something wrong happening in the states but we will never know because of the government. They are trying to "protect us" but if they don't tell us what is happening how can we protect ourselves? Anyways the show with Jesse Ventura, I feel that it is just something to try and tell us that the government is hiding something.
Genesis Camacho
The TV series “Conspiracy Theories with Jesse Ventura” is completely ludicrous. In one of the episodes, Ventura tried to gain entry to Plum Island Animal Disease Center, claiming that they were making bio-weapons and that he should be allowed to forage throughout the facility because he is a former governor of Minnesota and a former navy seal, which is complete redundant. First off, there is no proof that shows that Plum Island is constructing bio-weapons, and it cannot be proven that the “Montauk Monster” came from Plum Island. Second, Plum Island Animal Disease Center is a United States federal research facility dedicated to the study of animal diseases and cannot afford to have anyone come in and tamper with or taint with anything even to the microscopic level. Just like the conspiracy theories with HAARP, nothing can be proven and even the accusations are preposterous.
~Zack Locorriere
This conspiracy theories program is complete bogus. Jesse Ventura looks like some bully, redneck, Mr. Clean guy, who acts like a big shot just because he was some former governor of Minnesota. -___- The information that he presents seems more like an adventure series, than a hunt for the truth/ documentary. If you're expecting to find answers about any topic presented in his show, you'll waste an hour worth finding the truth absolutely nothing, because his theories are ridiculous, and not supported by any substantial, and real detail. He does not prove anything!! ~~FATIMA
Jesse Ventura brings up interesting topics that may have some truth in them. However, he only picks out certain information to discuss instead of viewing the picture as a whole. His credentials, although somewhat impressive, become repetitive and I believe that it is preposterous that he believes he can get into a top secret military base because he is a former navy seal and governor. Obviously, these credentials will not carry over to unauthorized property. His show is interesting, with editing and transition effects all properly placed, and he keeps you interested within commercial breaks. However, if you are looking for serious information, this should not be your first choice.
Anthony Scalia
In my opinion i feel everything i saw on the Conspiracy theory is just a fake. Their investigation makes sense but their not getting anywhere with what they found out. I feel they need some type of proven fact to persuade people to believe them. Jesse Ventura and his team waklking around and investigating is just a waste of time. Until something is proven to be true I will continue to believe everything I saw was a fake.
Brittany Pusey
We saw some interesting things on the conspiracy videos. Are they true? Are they just a bunch of stupid assumptions? That's something we may never find out. Personally, I think they might just be true. I know it sounds wierd but if you find enough facts, then what is wrong with thinking that there is something gong on behind closed doors. Conspiracies sound crazy but then again, everything is crazy. The government hides a lot from us for our safety. News can't just be put out there like nothing. It's not like these people just pulled these crazy facts out of their butts; something motivated it. For example, the "Montauk Monster" . What can possible reasonable fact explain that? Nothing. All in all, basically all conspiracies can never be proven but there will always be that hint of truth that shows it could be true.
Jessenia Perez
Brian Huapaya Period-2
November 28,2010 U.S. History Honors 2
Conspiracy Theories
In my opinion, I think conspiracy theories are bogus. I think this way about
conspiracy theories because there is no proof. It is possible that the things talked about in the show are true ,but there is no evidence. If all these things said in the show were true it would have gotten out in some way because its impossible for some of these things to stay secret for so long. Before watching Conspiracy Theories in Mr. Cannizzaro's I have seen it at my house like the one about area 51. All of Jesse Ventura's conspiracy theories end the same that he was stopped or couldn't go close enough to prove the theories he tells us are true. That's why I don't believe these conspiracy theories are true.
I do not agree with any sort of conspiracy in any way whats so ever. I believe that conspiracy theories are 100% bogus. Whoever believes in conspiracy theories as well as dedicating their lives to research and find the truth are no doubtingly delusional and mentally ill. I feel that hunting a conspiracy theory is like hunting a witch, your never going to come across one where you find the actual and legitimate truth. I feel that it is just a made up story that decided to create a rumor or wanted to make himself believe something.
Steven Perito Pd2
The conspearacies that we have seen are very contraversil. There are some people that believe that they are 100% truth and then there are some that think that every part is a lie and that the people who made it are crazy. The comspiarcies in my opinion are not all truth are all fake some of the stuff that was said was the truth but it was adapted to make the conspiracy sound true. Conspiracies are there just there to explain the something that is unexplainable. People need a reason for everything and if there isn't a reason something is wrong. People believe these conspiracies just because they need an explain to tell them why somthin is done or help them figure out why it is being done.
Tullio Gabbanelli ^^^^ the post above is mine
My opinion is I believe that all the videos we saw of the Conspiracy Theory are all fake. The actors and everything. I personally do not agree or believe anything Jesse Ventura said. If he really wanted to prove his point he would’ve had proven facts, but he didn’t. What I do believe is that the government is definitely hiding certain things from society. He says they are using HAARP to communicate, but I believe that that is not the real reason. Something’s going on that we don’t know. If nothing was going on they wouldn’t be so secretive about the things they do.
-gianina g
In my opinion, I think that all things of the conspiracy theory are false. Some parts of Jesse Ventura's videos are interesting but the trouble is that he could not prove anything. Also I feel that with his programs he wants alarm and worry people too much.
Paola Astudillo.
Most conspiracy's that we saw in the classroom were over the top. The conspiracy theories were mostly all fake, they made it into such a reality show that it the entire controversy looses its real actually point it tried to get to the audience. Like in the HAARP controversy it became a ridiculous controversy from becoming part of the military to being able to control minds. Although some of the controversies may somewhat be true the reality show made it into a bigger deal, and into something untrue. Jesse Ventura, did not prove anything throughout the whole show and it became, worse and worse.They never got anywhere to prove anything.
Carla Carigga
Most conspiracy theories, in general, have a little truth in them with a lot of false statements. For example, there is no way that radioactive waves could be used for mind control. That is total crap. Our military could be doing something that is not to our benefit that we do not know of. Mind control is out of the question, however.
~Harsharan Kaur
I do agree with some of the conspiracy thories, because some of them do make sense like the big brother theory. It makes sense in a way but not all of the things he say. I do believe in conspirasy theories an that they increase day by day.
Mariam elbedeiwy
In response to your question I do not believe in all conpiracy theories such as the HAARP theory, in which case the government can control the weather. They came to believe that they used this high powered technology to cause tragedies in our own country such as hurricane katrina, which makes no sense at all. Why would the government want to cause such a disaster and cause so much debt to our own country. Just with this example alone I believe some of the conspiracies is just nonsense.
-Ivan Angeles ( period 1 )
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